"Kim Brogli is a rising star...drawing listeners into her universe...." Viberate.com "Kim's vocal style blends sweetness and grit..." Artist Weekly "She is making her mark among Nashville songwriters." v13.net "...looking forward to what comes next from this up-and-comer!" Nashville.com "What A Waste is a worthy musical accomplishment..." Bust.com "an artist who fearlessly embraces...life's highs and lows" All Country News

My Story
Living her second act, Nashville based singer-songwriter, Kim Brogli, is making her mark among Nashville songwriters. The middle Tennessee native was always a writer and storyteller at heart. While attending college at The University of Alabama, she began writing fiction novels in her spare time which her friends would love to read. Growing up, her mom sang in the church choir and she had the voice of an angel according to Kim. “She had this angelic, soprano voice that could give the whole church goosebumps,” Kim recalls with warm admiration. Kim’s oldest sister, Kellie, also with a beautiful voice, got a guitar and started singing songs like “Danny’s Song” by Kenny Loggins. Kim remembers learning to love music then and always had a passion for lyrics. She began writing poetry and fiction at an early age and loved creating stories even then that touched the heart. But Kim's life has not been without it's struggles. In college, she began passing out frequently. Shortly thereafter, she was diagnosed with a rare heart condition called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Throughout her twenties, she endured much suffering, many surgeries, procedures and even had a dramatic near death experience in which her heart stopped. Her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer (which fortunately she overcame and has been cancer free for many years). Six months after Kim's first heart surgery, she tragically lost her older brother in a drowning accident. Within a few months, she began suffering panic attacks and her doctor diagnosed her with Post Traumatic Stress. Through losing her brother and her own near death experiences, Kim was forced to dig deep and find her inner strength. She kept many journals and felt a unique calling to write about life's challenges and understanding life through an eternal perspective. You'll hear this perspective in the depth of her lyrics with lines such as "You can't feel love if you don't love yourself. Or keep blaming all your pain on someone else," found in her hit single "What a Waste." And in her latest single Catch Me "I wish I didn't but sometimes I feel lost; losing my perspective or my cool just because." "Writing is how I process life. I love sharing those thoughts and connecting with fans through our life experiences. I am passionate about love, life, my children and overcoming adversity. I think we are all more resilient than we realize and I like to write about that self discovery." After college, Kim moved back to the Nashville area and after 6 successful years selling pharmaceuticals, she moved on to a prosperous career selling real estate, even starting her own firm with her middle sister. “I remember vividly, I was making a lot of money but I wasn’t happy. I felt like I was not being true to myself. Then one day, my boys asked me if real estate was my dream. I paused and thought…how can I encourage my kids to follow their dreams when I’m not living my own.” At the time, however, she didn’t know music was her dream. In fact, it wasn’t until a year later, she bought her twin boys guitars for their birthday and took them to get a lesson that she decided to pick up their guitar the next day. And that is when it all clicked. She could not stop playing. The sheer joy of being able to play songs she loved brought her an unimaginable passion for life. It all made sense. Everything she had been through was for her music. She began taking voice lessons shortly thereafter and that led to putting her words on paper into song. The rest is history. “Music is the first thing in my life I truly feel I’m doing because I love it so much, I can’t stop doing it! My heart and soul align when I’m playing like nothing else ever has before. I am actually enjoying the journey more than the outcome. I’ve never been able to say that.” Kim performs locally right now around Nashville. She lives just south of Nashville with her husband, Jim and her twin boys.
What fans are saying...
"You're amazing, Kim" - Michelle M. "I've always said you were special...so enjoy your journey! Keep going!" Patti P. "Keep writing and singing!" Jeannie R. "I knew there was something special about you...I believe...you are here helping people live their life from your music." Mo O. "What a gift you are!" Pam P. "Great remake, Kim! You do a wonderful job with this song!" (Crazy 4 U) John K. "It's a Good Day-my favorite daily song!" Brad